Friday, November 21, 2008


Ion-Mircea is studying at EPSCI-ESSEC this fall semester in the romantic capital of the world: Paris. We are sure that he is squeezing in lots of quality academic growth and challenges in between the sightseeing!
Thanks for sending us some of your photos:

Sunny South of France Anyone?

While Montrealers bundled up for winter winds this morning, Oscar awoke to the sunny beach of the south of France. He is currently studying at CERAM in Nice seizing every exciting opportunity, but we are sure that he misses the JMSB!

Here are some photos of Oscar abroad:

University of Hertfordshire - a Great Place to Study

Lauren is partaking in some British culture while studying at the lovely University of Hertfordshire in the UK. With only a few months left, she is busy readying for upcoming finals and taking in all the sights.

Here she is having the time of her life abroad:

Jolly Ol' England

Christopher is having the time of his life studying at EBS London this semester. He cannot believe that he has only one month left for his UK studies.

Here are some recent photos from his sojourn abroad:

Watch out Switzerland - Here She Comes!

Natasha is having a blast in gorgeous old world Switzerland this current Fall semester.

Here are some photos of her while on exchange to the University of Geneva:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Having the time of his life in Angers

Simon is currently studying abroad at ESSCA Angers in France and is taking in all the sights and embracing the French culture.

An avid runner and star of Concordia's cross-country running team, Simon is busy taking in races abroad.

Some photos from his exchange so far:
That's Simon in the lead wearing the golden jersey.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

JMSB ISEP to Argentina

Marie-Lyne is participating in the ISEP at U Cordoba in Argentina, studying 4 business courses and perfecting her language skills while abroad.

Despite her fair share of trials, she is adapting well to the new culture and enjoying her time abroad.
Here are some of her photos from Argentina taken recently: